Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
International students - Contact us

We are happy to answer any questions you have about the programme, the application, the admission procedures and/or other practical matters. 

If you are interested in more than one, please indicate it in the message box below.


Please select the country you are currently living in
If you are enquiring about an Undergraduate degree and have/will obtain a maturità italiana or European Bac, or if you enquiring about a Postgraduate programme and have/ will obtain an Italian Laurea trienniale/ciclo unico, please follow procedures indicated here.

Please type here any questions you may have.
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Related to my Data being processed for the purposes referred to in point (e) of the aforementioned information notice (sending communications and information through the automated and non-automated contact modes, for: registration for events organised by University partners and/or third parties, promotional activities, surveys linked to research activities),